Barmesa Fluid Pumps In Nashville, Tennessee

Barmesa Pumps is committed to its customers and its products, understanding that quality, availability, price and selection is its main responsibility. In order for Barmesa to "out perform" today's highly competitive market, the quality of our product must surpass industry standards. 

The talented long term management and skilled employees of Barmesa Pumps has made it our primary interest to provide premium proven quality products to you our valued customers.

THINK BARMESA! Grow your business with expanding your devotion to the promotion and sale of Barmesa Pumps.

Barmesa Pumps LLC started operations in 1953, manufacturing small self-primer pumps, jet pumps and end suction centrifugal pumps for the rural market.

During the 1970's, new additions were made to the line of products and we started manufacturing submersible solids handling pumps as well as grinder pumps.

Today, after 70 years, we have manufacturing facilities & distribution centers across America, and an extensive distributor network. Our State of the Art manufacturing facilities have modern CNC machinery as well sophisticated design and test capabilities. Barmesa serves markets such as marine, commercial, municipal, wastewater, water, industrial, construction, utility, chemical, OEM, irrigation, dewatering flood control, fire protection, as well as many other applications.

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